Information theory:
Information theory is a branch of
applied mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science involving the
quantification of information. Information theory was developed by Claude E.
Shannon to find fundamental limits on signal processing operations such as
compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data. Since its
inception it has broadened to find applications in many other areas, including
statistical inference, natural language processing, cryptography, neurobiology,
the evolution and function of molecular codes, model selection in ecology,
thermal physics, quantum computing, linguistics, plagiarism detection, pattern
recognition, anomaly detection and other forms of data analysis.
A key measure of information is entropy, which is usually expressed by
the average number of bits needed to store or communicate one symbol in a
message. Entropy quantifies the
uncertainty involved in predicting the value of a random variable. For example,
specifying the outcome of a fair coin flip (two equally likely outcomes)
provides less information (lower entropy) than specifying the outcome from a
roll of a die (six equally likely outcomes).
Why is it so awesome?
Applications of fundamental
topics of information theory include lossless data compression (e.g. ZIP files), lossy
data compression (e.g. MP3s and JPEGs), and channel coding (e.g. for
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)). The field is at the intersection of
mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, neurobiology, and
electrical engineering. Its impact has been crucial to the success of the Voyager missions to deep space, the invention of the compact disc, the feasibility of mobile
phones, the development of the Internet, the study of linguistics
and of human perception, the understanding of black holes, and numerous other
fields. Important sub-fields of information theory are source coding, channel
coding, algorithmic complexity theory, algorithmic information theory,
information-theoretic security, and measures of information.
Coding theory:
Coding theory is one of the most
important and direct applications of information theory. It can be subdivided
into source coding theory and channel coding theory. Using a statistical
description for data, information theory quantifies the number of bits needed
to describe the data, which is the information entropy of the source.
· Data compression (source coding); There
are two formulations for the compression problem:
data compression: The data must be reconstructed exactly;
Lossy data
compression: Allocates bits needed to reconstruct the data,
within a specified fidelity level measured by a distortion function. This
subset of Information theory is called rate–distortion theory.
· Error-correcting codes (channel coding): While
data compression removes as much redundancy as possible, an error correcting
code adds just the right kind of redundancy (i.e., error correction) needed to
transmit the data efficiently and faithfully across a noisy channel.
This division of coding theory
into compression and transmission is justified by the information transmission
theorems, or source–channel separation theorems that justify the use of bits as
the universal currency for information in many contexts. However, these
theorems only hold in the situation where one transmitting user wishes to
communicate to one receiving user. In scenarios with more than one transmitter
(the multiple-access channel), more than one receiver (the broadcast channel)
or intermediary "helpers" (the relay channel), or more general
networks, compression followed by transmission may no longer be optimal.
Network information theory refers to these multi-agent communication models.
And just to make sure,
We all know Communication theory:
Communication theory is a field of information theory and mathematics
that studies the technical process of information and the process of human
of communication:
Basic elements of communication made the object of study of
the communication theory:
- Source: This element, the ‘information source’, produces a message or sequence of messages to be communicated to the receiving terminal.
- Sender: This element, the ‘transmitter’, which operates on the message in some way to produce a signal suitable for transmission over the channel.
- Channel: The channel is merely the medium used to transmit the signal from transmitter to receiver.
- Receiver: The receiver performs the inverse operation of that done by the transmitter, reconstructing the message from the signal.
- Destination: The destination is the person (or thing) for whom the message is intended.
- Message: The message is a concept, information, communication, or statement that is sent in a verbal, written, recorded, or visual form to the recipient.
- Feedback
- Entropic elements, positive and negative
Channel capacity
Communications over a
channel—such as an Ethernet cable—is the primary motivation of information
theory. As anyone who's ever used a telephone (mobile or landline) knows,
however, such channels often fail to produce exact reconstruction of a signal;
noise, periods of silence, and other forms of signal corruption often degrade
quality. How much information can one hope to communicate over a noisy (or
otherwise imperfect) channel?
Consider the communications process over a discrete channel. A
simple model of the process is shown below:
Here X represents the space of
messages transmitted, and Y the space of messages received during a unit time
over our channel. Let p(y|x) be the conditional probability distribution
function of Y given X. We will consider p(y|x) to be an inherent fixed property
of our communications channel (representing the nature of the noise of our
channel). Then the joint distribution of X and Y is completely determined by
our channel and by our choice of f(x), the marginal distribution of messages we
choose to send over the channel. Under these constraints, we would like to
maximize the rate of information, or the signal, we can communicate over the
channel. The appropriate measure for this is the mutual information, and this
maximum mutual information is called the channel capacity and is given by:
This capacity has the following
property related to communicating at information rate R (where R is usually
bits per symbol). For any information rate R < C and coding error ε > 0,
for large enough N, there exists a code of length N and rate ≥ R and a decoding
algorithm, such that the maximal probability of block error is ≤ ε; that is, it
is always possible to transmit with arbitrarily small block error. In addition,
for any rate R > C, it is impossible to transmit with arbitrarily small
block error.
Channel coding is thus concerned with
finding such nearly optimal codes that can be used to transmit data over a
noisy channel with a small coding error at a rate near the channel capacity.
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